“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain-
Hari ini udah satu tahun berlalu sejak aku "bikin janji" sama diri sendiri.. Janji yang awalnya cuman bercandaan gara-gara seorang temenku bilang "Dua tahun lagi aku bakal kerja di xxxxxx (dirahasiakan, nama negara)". Nyeletuk aja aku bilang "Hah yang bener? Kalau gitu aku juga bakal punya foto di yyyyy (dirahasiakan juga, nama tempat). Kita liat yaa dua tahun lagi". Kita pun sepakat bahwa "By telling to others, at least we will do an effort to make our dream becomes reality".
Harusnya hari ini aku ketemu sama temenku itu. Tapi karena dia super sibuk pangkat tan(pi/2).. pangkat tak terhingga maksudnya, pertemuan itu tidak jadi berlangsung. Tapi insya Allah tetep jadi ketemu. Aku pengen cerita banyak hal, progressku, pengalaman-pengalamanku. Aku juga pengen denger progressnya.
Dan.. setahun dari sekarang.. one year from now, I hope that dreams will come true. Insya Allah, amiin :)
Tia, 20-11-2012
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away"
Selasa, 20 November 2012
Rabu, 14 November 2012
Renungan : Kehidupan dan Kematian
Berikut ada sebuah percakapan menarik antara kehidupan dan kematian,
Kematian : "Kenapa orang-orang sangat membenciku? Sedangkan mereka sangat menyukaimu?"
Kehidupan pun menjawab, "Orang-orang menyukaiku karena aku adalah "dusta yang menyenangkan", sedangkan kamu adalah "kenyataan yang menyakitkan" ..."
Note :
Merasa bahwa hal tersebut benar adanya, bahkan, diakui atau tidak, terkadang kita butuh itu yang disebut sebagai dusta yang menyenangkan. Udah tau dibohongi, eh malah seneng, malah ngejar-ngejar.. #makjleb
Hiks, mari kita intropeksi diri kita sendiri.
Kematian : "Kenapa orang-orang sangat membenciku? Sedangkan mereka sangat menyukaimu?"
Kehidupan pun menjawab, "Orang-orang menyukaiku karena aku adalah "dusta yang menyenangkan", sedangkan kamu adalah "kenyataan yang menyakitkan" ..."
Note :
Merasa bahwa hal tersebut benar adanya, bahkan, diakui atau tidak, terkadang kita butuh itu yang disebut sebagai dusta yang menyenangkan. Udah tau dibohongi, eh malah seneng, malah ngejar-ngejar.. #makjleb
Hiks, mari kita intropeksi diri kita sendiri.
Selasa, 03 Juli 2012
Sedikit Renungan
Mungkin engkau pernah mendengar
puncak yang diberkahi.
Ia adalah gunung tertinggi di dunia.
Dan apabila engkau sudah mencapai puncaknya,
engkau hanya akan memiliki satu hasrat,
Untuk turun dan tinggal bersama dengan mereka yang menghuni lembah terdalam.
Itulah mengapa ia disebut gunung yang diberkahi.
(Kahlil Gibran)
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Himalaya_Mountains_1_Nepal_by_CitizenFresh |
Rabu, 22 Februari 2012
Jumat, 17 Februari 2012
Life Turning Point
Recently, everything in my life is so complicated. I realize that the cause was my self. I try to figure out my situation.. I try to ask advice from my close friends.. Each of them have their own point of view, how to get out of this situation.
At that night, I talked with one of my friend.. I know that we are very different in the way to see this life, but still, I enjoy and wanna talk to him.
And..yeah, he told me that I am non sense. I got that sharp word from him.
I'm not angry, I'm thanks for that word, and I tell him back that he is non sense too (but it just my reflex response, I don't mean it to him..).
Actually, when I tell something about my life (my past or what I feel now) to others, what I expect and need is just support.
Sometimes, when I don't tell them clearly, they will say that everything will be alright.
But..when I tell them clearly, what I actually feel, they will say that I'm non sense.
Is this world is a place to hide the truth?
Maybe yes, if you want to life safe and comfortable. But for me, it's fake. A big lie to your existence.
I'm afraid of being what I want. I'm afraid if I don't get suppot from people arround me.. That's what I am yesterday.
But, start from now on, I'll be brave for everything that I think it's right for me. If something is wrong, I must stop it immediately.
"Make your own decision, and never regret that."
Leave the past, be a new person.. who believe in dreams, try to catch them, and always do the best for present. Insya Allah, amiin.
A great person with principle, achievement, and dreams.
It seems now I know what I want! :)
Yogyakarta, February 18th 2012
At that night, I talked with one of my friend.. I know that we are very different in the way to see this life, but still, I enjoy and wanna talk to him.
And..yeah, he told me that I am non sense. I got that sharp word from him.
I'm not angry, I'm thanks for that word, and I tell him back that he is non sense too (but it just my reflex response, I don't mean it to him..).
Actually, when I tell something about my life (my past or what I feel now) to others, what I expect and need is just support.
Sometimes, when I don't tell them clearly, they will say that everything will be alright.
But..when I tell them clearly, what I actually feel, they will say that I'm non sense.
Is this world is a place to hide the truth?
Maybe yes, if you want to life safe and comfortable. But for me, it's fake. A big lie to your existence.
I'm afraid of being what I want. I'm afraid if I don't get suppot from people arround me.. That's what I am yesterday.
But, start from now on, I'll be brave for everything that I think it's right for me. If something is wrong, I must stop it immediately.
"Make your own decision, and never regret that."
Leave the past, be a new person.. who believe in dreams, try to catch them, and always do the best for present. Insya Allah, amiin.
A great person with principle, achievement, and dreams.
It seems now I know what I want! :)
Yogyakarta, February 18th 2012
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sunrise_by_samuelvincent |
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